Monday, January 23, 2012

New Year, New Life

The contrast between my life at this time last year and my present life startles me sometimes. Here is what happened this year (not in chronological order):

1. Got married
2. Adopted a dog
3. Moved to Knoxville
4. Have my own house
5. Have to CLEAN my own house...
6. Went to a new church
7. Made new friends (but kept the old, too)
8. Became an 8th grade small group leader
9. Learned to cook for two
10. Became very forcibly aware that - surprise! - I have fibromyalgia
11. Went on my first rollercoaster. A SCARY ONE.

And besides all of this, last week I bought, brought home (and up the stairs), and assembled a 5-shelf bookcase all by myself.

I am woman, hear me roar!

... or squeak. Or whatever.

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