Monday, September 27, 2010

Top Ten: More Things That Are Gross

.... because I thought of some more things that gross me out.

10. When babies throw up on you. But it's gross in an endearing, I-can't-get-very-mad-at-you sort of way.

9. Bugs with skibbly legs and/or inordinately large bodies.

8. When you pull your scotch tape out of the drawer and it has dust and lint and particles of things stuck to it.

7. Grades. You know how I feel about the standardized grading system.

6. Sticky hands. Yes, I know this is the average toddler's natural state. I do not think children are gross, but I clean their hands when they get sticky. Sand, dirt, and germs? More power to 'em. Peanut butter, jam, or any other form of stickiness? A handwashing is forthcoming.

5. Rotten pumpkins. Few things look (or feel) worse than a rotten pumpkin.

4. Pond scum, seaweed, and other slimy forms of marine plant life.

3. Catfish. They eat trash. I don't eat things that eat trash. (Plus, they look gross.)

2. This one synthesizer noise... I don't know what it's called or why I hate it, but it makes me feel physically ill. *shudder*

1. Men in leggings (outside the theater or dance studio, of course).

Monday, September 6, 2010

Bad Blogger

I've been slacking off, but I promise I'll never do it again! At least, not until midterms hit.

So, I've started my last semester of college. I'm taking voice, Chemistry, French, and Math, and I'm not thrilled with any of them (except voice), but it's not my professors' faults. They're all truly brilliant teachers; I just don't want to be here.

And I thought I had senioritis LAST year. Whoo, boy. You have never known senioritis until you're on your ninth and last semester.

In other news: I have another blog now. It's, if you're interested. It's mostly (as the name suggests) DIY projects and things like that. I craft almost constantly, and I'm reasonably good at it, so I figured I might as well tell people about it.

In other other news: Mike and I are still going strong, in case you wondered. I am rawther fond of him.

And I guess that's it. It's a rollercoaster of nonstop action around here.