Monday, December 20, 2010

I done caught me a man!

... or, more accurately, he seems to have caught me. Mike and I are now engaged.

*happy dance*

He proposed on Friday, and we're getting married in August. I could not have dreamed up a more amazing man to marry. Yay!

In other news, I graduated from college (FINALLY!), and am now a secretary. Yes, folks, that's how I'm putting my music degree to work. But that's okay. I like it here, and I need a job. Everybody is really nice to me here, and I get my own office with my own desk, which is super-exciting.

I think that's all for now, but now that I can have a life again (because I DON'T HAVE TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL!) you can be sure I'll keep you a little more updated. Danae out.