Monday, July 25, 2011


BWAAAAAAAAH! It's been a veritable eternity since I've updated my blog. Oh, my goodness. I don't know what got into me. I apologize to all my thousands of faithful readers who have been waiting with bated breath these last six months (<--- silliness).

Life update: I'm getting married in 11 days, which is kind of weird and amazing and awesome. Also, Mike and I have a dog! His name is William, and he is a small black chihuahua mix with crooked ears. He moans and whines when he gets sleepy. It's hilarious.

... I kind of wish I'd blogged my last job, which was summer daycare - kids are hilarious. I'll have remember to post some of the more ridiculous things that happened.

Oh! And also, I have fibromyalgia. Which really sucks, but it could be so much worse. Fortunately, it looks like my best bet for pain management is living a healthy, active life. So, yeah. That's about it, I guess.
